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  • XU Jing, PAN Quanwen, ZHANG Wei, LIU Zhiliang, GE Tianshu, WANG Ruzhu
    Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. 2024, 45(1): 1-6.
    Utilizing 70◦C low-grade heat sources discharged by low-temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells for the efficient supply of cooling capacity is the key to enhance the efficiency of combined cooling and power systems. In this paper, a hybrid adsorption refrigeration system using solid desiccant cooling system is designed and experimentally studied to recover 70C low grade heat and realize efficient cooling and dehumidification. Results show that the hybrid system can be operated effectively under a heat source temperature of 70C. Increasing inlet air temperature or relative humidity can facilitate the system performance promotion. The cooling capacity and COP are up to 3.95 kW and 0.539, respectively. Using such hybrid system to exploit 70C low-grade heat sources can significantly improve the overall efficacy of proton exchange membrane fuel cells, reaching 67.3%.
  • KONG Rui, CHEN Lingen, XIA Shaojun, LI Penglei, GE Yanlin
    Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. 2024, 45(3): 615-621.
    A finite time thermodynamic (FTT) model of HI decomposition membrane reactor under different sweep modes is established. The sweep flow rate, reaction inlet pressure, permeable membrane thickness and reactor length are taken as decision variables, and the multi-objective optimization is carried out to maximize HI conversion rate, H2 recovery rate and total entropy generation rate. It is found that the HI conversion rate and H2 recovery rate are consistent to some extent within a given range of decision variables, but they cannot reach the optimum with the total entropy generation rate at the same time. Compared with the co-current sweep mode, the target values of Pareto front have higher HI conversion and H2 recovery in the countercurrent sweep mode. Different decision methods are used to select the optimal solution. TOPSIS decision point in cocurrent mode and LINMAP decision point in counter-current mode had smaller deviation factors and could be used as the optimal solution for reactor parameter design.
  • MENG Chuiju, QIN Xujin, HUANG Yonghua
    Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. 2024, 45(3): 622-627.
    Based on the quantum law of corresponding states and considering the structural differences between hydrogen isomers, a mathematical model was developed for predicting the transport parameters of low-temperature orthohydrogen and parahydrogen. The results were examined and analyzed, and it was found that the quantum correspondence state principle method could predict the viscosity and thermal conductivity of orthohydrogen and parahydrogen in the temperature range of 20∼100 K and pressure range of 0.01∼10 MPa with good accuracy. The pressure has a significant impact on the prediction accuracy of the model, and the prediction error of the correspondence state principle is basically controlled within 6% when the ambient pressure is less than 1 MPa. Further correction of the physical constants in the model is expected to improve the prediction accuracy of the correspondence state principle.
  • GUO Yanhua, SHAO Shuangquan, LI Hao, WANG Zhichao
    Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. 2024, 45(3): 628-634.
    Based on the adaptive demand of the defrosting control method, the degradation of heating capacity (DHC) method was developed in this work to identify the frosty state, and the defrosting effect was evaluated adopting a fully connected neural network (FNN) classification model. Results indicated that in the monitoring case of the ASHP system, the proposed DHC method can effectively identify the frosty state, and the defrosting effect recognition accuracy achieved 91.3% for the trained FNN classification model in the testing data set. Compared with the original defrosting control method, the defrosting frequency, heating loss and power consumption were respectively reduced by 66.3%, 1775 MJ and 1829 MJ, and the SCOP was increased by 8.6% throughout the heating season. The promising results in this work will provide an innovative approach for the implementation and optimization of the defrosting control strategy of the ASHP system in practical operation.
  • MA Guofeng, LIU Ming, LI Weidong, YAN Junjie
    Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. 2024, 45(3): 644-651.
    The optimal cogeneration share coefficient can guide the capacity configuration of cogeneration units and maximize the economic benefits of cogeneration. In this paper, a method for determining the techno-economic optimal cogeneration share coefficient considering the energy consumption characteristics of variable load conditions is proposed, the off-design working condition analysis model of cogeneration system is developed, and the variable load energy consumption characteristics of the case unit are calculated. The techno-economic cogeneration share coefficient is optimized. The results show that the optimal techno-economic heating coefficients are 0.750 and 0.702 respectively when considering and ignoring the energy consumption characteristics of variable load conditions, and the corresponding annual cost saving relative error without considering characteristics of variable load conditions reaches 22.0%. More accurate techno-economic benefits of cogeneration will be obtained by considering the energy consumption characteristics of variable load conditions.
  • WANG Tan, CHEN Lingen, GE Yanlin
    Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. 2024, 45(5): 1241-1247.
    A simple gas turbine cycle for space power plant includes three parts: the first is a reactor, the second is closed gas turbine cycle with a compressor, a turbine and two heat exchangers, and the third is a radiator panel to dissipate heat to cosmic space. In this paper, an irreversible simple closed gas turbine cycle model for space power plant is established, and thermal efficiency and power output of the cycle are derived. When total heat transfer area of radiator panel and two heat exchangers is fixed, the maximum power output of the plant is obtained by optimizing area distributions among two HEXs and radiator panel, and the double maximum power output is obtained by optimizing temperature of the low temperature heat sink. 
  • ZHANG Jingpeng, WANG Qin, SONG Qi, LUO Jielin, CHEN Guangming
    Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. 2024, 45(3): 635-643.
    Based on a quasi-steady-state simulation model, a method to optimize the cooling-down rate of an auto-cascade refrigeration system operating with a rectifying column and multi-component mixed refrigerant is proposed in the paper. Targeted on the maximum cooling capacity, the optimal suction pressure-evaporating temperature curve for a specified mixed refrigerant concentration can be obtained, which can be matched by the sectional suction pressure adjustment in the practical applications to reduce the overall cooling-down time, and the concentration of mixed refrigerant can be optimized to further improve the cooling-down rate based on this way. The fastest overall cooling-down time is achieved using the R50/R1150/R290/R600a as the mixed refrigerant (0.35/0.25/0.15/0.25 by mole) and corresponding shifting parameters (including two shifting temperatures −20°C and −105°C) and three shifting suction pressure 700 kPa, 600 kPa and 550 kPa) for the sectional suction pressure adjustment, when the air temperature in the test chamber is dropped from 20°C to −100°C. Calculation results also show that the optimal concentrations are different for different evaporating temperatures, and the cooling-down rate can be improved further if the concentration of the mixed refrigerant can be adjusted during the cooling-down process. The optimization methods used in this paper can also provide references for researches on cooling-down processes of other refrigeration systems using multi-component mixed refrigerants.
  • ZHANG Teng, LI Mingjia, LI Dong, ZHANG Yanlei, YAN Kai
    Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. 2024, 45(1): 13-19.
    This paper proposes control strategy based on Model Predictive Control (MPC) algorithm for the secondary cooling system of train battery. The study focuses on designing MPC and Proportion Integration (PI) control strategies for the battery secondary cooling system, and compares their control effects on the battery cooling rate. Under the battery charging and discharging conditions of 20 A and 30 A, the MPC control strategy achieves stable battery temperature in 37 s and 63 s, respectively, while the PI control strategy achieves stable battery temperature in 280 s and 500 s, respectively. The results show that compared with the PI control strategy, the MPC control strategy can significantly accelerate the battery cooling rate, and the control system has better robustness and adaptability.
  • CAI Weihua, LI Zhiming, CUI Jun, ZHANG Wenchao, JIN Guangyuan, SUN Jianchuang
    Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. 2024, 45(1): 32-39.
    Petal-shaped rod assembly has attracted extensive attention at home and abroad due to its excellent heat transfer performance. In order to obtain flow characteristics of petal-shaped rod assembly under natural circulation flow conditions, multi-scale coupling simulations were carried out on a natural circulation system with 3×3 petal-shaped rod assembly. Firstly, based on one-dimensional user program and STAR-CCM+, a one-dimensional and three-dimensional coupled numerical model of natural circulation system was constructed, and the model was verified by combining experimental results. Then, the effects of heating power and height difference on natural circulation capacity and resistance coefficient of the petal-shaped rod assembly were analyzed emphatically. The results showed that the systemic exhaust power and the height difference between the cold and heat sources satisfies a power function distribution. By introducing a viscosity correction factor and a structural influence factor, a general expression form for the resistance coefficient of petal shaped fuel assembly under wide Re number ranges, different pitches, heating, and cold conditions was obtained. Its reliability was verified based on simulation and open experimental data. 
  • GU Yu, GONG Luyuan, GUO Yali, SHEN Shengqiang
    Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. 2024, 45(3): 764-768.
    A three-dimensional mathematical model of steam condensation flow in a smooth tube based on Euler’s liquid film model was established by using ANSYS FLUENT software. The simulated pipe is 500 mm in length and 38 mm in diameter. Under simulated conditions, the saturation temperature of inlet steam is 70°C, the total heat transfer temperature difference is 5°C and 7°C, and the inlet steam speed is 14∼20 m/s. The simulation results show that the liquid film thickness increases with the increase of the flow distance at the bottom of the pipe, and the liquid film thickness increases first and then becomes stable at the top of the pipe. The larger steam inlet velocity produces higher liquid film thickness. The liquid film flow velocity increases with the increase of the flow distance at the bottom of the pipe, and the liquid film flow velocity increases first and then slowly decreases at the top of the pipe. A larger steam inlet velocity produces a higher liquid film flow velocity.
  • HUI Hejun, SONG Jiantang, JIANG Zhenhua, YIN Wang, LIU Shaoshuai, WU Yinong
    Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. 2024, 45(1): 7-12.
    In order to meet the cooling requirements of dual temperature zones, a single compressor is used to drive 80 K and 40 K dual temperature zone cold fingers. Moreover, the dual cold fingers adopt the active phase shifter to adjust the phase difference distribution in the cold fingers. The refrigerator can achieve high-efficiency cooling in dual temperature zones with lightweight. This paper is based on the dual cooling temperature zones pulse tube refrigerator with active phase shifters. Numerical computational analyses and experimental verification studies were carried out from the characteristics of the acoustic power distribution into dual cold fingers, phase difference at the regenerator cold ends, and cooling capacity variations. The study results show that by actively adjusting the phase difference of the phase shifter piston when the ambient temperature changes, the refrigerator can maintain high-efficiency cooling and achieve active environment temperature adaptation.
  • WANG Hexing, QIAN Yiran, DAI Yanbing, HAN Xiaoqu, CHEN Weixiong, YAN Junjie
    Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. 2024, 45(7): 1890-1896.
    The Brayton cycle is characterized by high efficiency and compactness, making it suitable for use in nuclear reactor thermal-electric conversion systems. In the present work, a system simulation model was built based on EBSILON software for four open Brayton cycle configurations: simple cycle, simple regenerative cycle, reheat regenerative cycle, and intercooled reheat cycle, and key parameters were analyzed. The cycle parameters were optimized with the objectives of cycle efficiency and power density, and compared with the closed Brayton cycle. The results revealed that among the four configurations, the reheating and recuperative cycle achieved the highest cycle efficiency at 25.44%, while the simple recuperative cycle demonstrated the highest power density, reaching 171.13 kW·m−3. Improving the open cycle into the closed Brayton cycle increased the maximum cycle efficiency by 12.56 percentage points and the maximum power density by 11.87 kW·m−3.
  • CUI Mengdi, WANG Baolong, WEI Falin
    Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. 2024, 45(7): 1883-1889.
    Constructing a high-efficiency refrigeration cycle is essential for developing efficient refrigeration systems and achieving energy savings and emission reductions in the refrigeration industry. The traditional approaches to constructing refrigeration cycles are often based on expert experience, resulting in subjective and suboptimal cycle structure. This paper proposes an automatic method for constructing a refrigeration cycle with an ejector based on graph theory and heat exchanger separation. The mathematical description of the ejector structure and cycle configuration are determined, and an algorithm for constructing a refrigeration cycle with an ejector is established. The proposed method is applied to construct a refrigeration cycle with an ejector and two-phase recuperator used for freezing. The constructed cycle improves the energy efficiency ratio by 23% compared to the classical refrigeration cycle with an ejector for recovering expansion work.
  • SU Pengfei, ZHAO Shiquan, FANG Yu
    Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. 2024, 45(1): 107-114.
    A method of gas turbine overall performance evaluation was developed based on A 300 MW Class gas turbine, the effect of combustor exit OTDF&RTDF、turbine blade material and blade cooling mass flow are also added to this performance model. The accuracy of the method has been assessed by two different gas turbines, L20A and M701F3, where sufficient data can be reasonably derived from the open literature, the difference of gas turbine exit temperature are in 3C. Some key parameters such as pressure ratio, compressor efficiency, combustor loss and temperature distribution, turbine stages, turbine efficiency, allowable metal temperature of turbine blade material and cooling mass flow were researched, and found that the effects of compressor pressure ratio, combustor temperature distribution, turbine stages and efficiency, blade material and cooling mass flow are quite big, and turbine stages have the biggest effect to gas turbine exit temperature. These parameters should be carefully considered in a new GT design to have the best GT exit temperature.
  • WEN Kai, WANG Chengyuan, WANG Xiaopo, ZHAO Pan, WANG Jiangfeng, HE Maogang
    Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. 2024, 45(5): 1248-1254.
    In order to reduce the energy and water consumption of the cooling system in data center (DC), a DC cooling scheme coupled with radiative sky cooling (RSC) was proposed on the basis of mechanical cooling and direct air-side economizer, the corresponding system configuration and operation strategy were designed, and the mathematical model was established. A modular container DC in Xi’an coupled with the proposed scheme was simulated, and the energy and water saving effects as well as the environmental economic benefits were evaluated. In addition, the regional adaptability of the cooling scheme in 10 typical cities in China was analyzed. The results showed that, the energy saving and emission reduction rate of the proposed coupled cooling scheme (CM) can be attained 55% compared with the mechanical cooling (MCM), and increased by 5.2% compared with the outdoor air humidification scheme (OAHM). Meanwhile, the water consumption is reduced by 18.7%. Additionally, compared with MCM, the energy saving and emission reduction rate of CM in the studied 10 cities is between 42.9% and 78.1%, better energy saving and water saving benefits can be obtained.
  • YUAN Yi, LI Xiaoyu, ZHANG Yu, CHEN Li, TAO Wenquan
    Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. 2024, 45(3): 819-825.
    The safe operation of high-power electronic chips highly requires high-efficiency heat dissipation techniques. Flow boiling heat transfer has received widespread attention due to the high heat transfer coefficient. To accurately simulate the complex two-phase process of flow boiling in a microchannel, a phase change model based on the volume of fluid (VOF) method with phase interface temperature correction is proposed in this paper. The flow boiling heat transfer process in a single microchannel with a single microcolumn is simulated to investigate the effects of heat flux and inlet subcooling by analyzing the evolution of two-phase flow process and temperature field. The results show that due to the local vapor coverage, there is a turning point of thermal resistance for flow boiling in microchannel under different working conditions, and high heat flux corresponds to higher bubble growth rate and nucleation area. A high subcooling will delay the turning point, but the overall thermal resistance will increase.
  • GUAN Yonggang, CEHN Longfei, ZHANG Yanfeng, FAN Fengxian, LI Bingshuo
    Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. 2024, 45(2): 311-318.
    The application, screening, evaluation and funding of National Natural Science Foundation of China programs in Engineering Thermophysics and Energy Utilization Discipline in 2023 are summarized and statistically analyzed. The strategic research, funding proposals in the field of energy conversion and utilization under the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals are introduced. The outstanding achievements funded by the discipline in 2023 and future work in 2024 are introduced as well.
  • CUI Lei, WANG Huaiyin
    Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. 2023, 44(11): 3151-3159.
    Based on a marine low-speed engine with 520 mm bore, the impact of different injector layout schemes was compared and analyzed by three-dimensional full-size combustion calculation. The results show that the appropriate ammonia fuel injection strategy can achieve the same power level as original diesel engine under the same engine loads within the maximum pressure limit. The “2+2” injector scheme has a significant effect on the combustion process of diesel mode, and the power is decreased (<10%) compared with the original diesel engine. Under “2+2” injector scheme, the power level of the ammonia mode can reach the original diesel mode, but NOx emission and gas consumption are slightly higher than that of the “3+3” mode.
  • LIU Shaojun, TIAN Sisi, LIU Guocun, SUI Bangjie
    Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. 2024, 45(2): 368-377.
    The water and thermal management strategies in the proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack are closely related to the structure and size of the stack. Computer-aided design simulation tools can be included in the development process. A two-dimensional model of the rapid prototyping stack based on COMSOL software is developed in the present study. In the model, the components of the entire are considered. The interactions among the transport processes of air, water, heat, and electricity within the membrane electrode assembly, bipolar plates, and cooling water channels are computed. A pair of inlet and outlet headers are added to the model to realistically simulate the gas flow distribution of the entire stack. The geometric dimensions and the number of unit cells in the model are parameterized, which can be quickly modeled and simulated according to the design requirements. A preliminary design scheme for the stack can be provided before more detailed 3D simulations are carried out. A 2D fuel cell stack model with 10 unit cells connected in series is presented as an example. This model solves a complete set of mass, momentum, composition, and temperature conservation equations for heat transfer in gas flow channels, porous media, electrode coupling surfaces, and solid fluids. With the U-shaped configuration, the oxygen velocity, mass fraction and current density distribution characteristics of the electrode coupling surface of the battery stack are analyzed. Based on the stack model, the effects of parameters such as voltage,PEM conductivity, and air intake velocity on the stack moisture distribution are studied. The simulation results show that high voltage operation, larger conductivity of the proton exchange membrane, and larger air flow rate will improve the stack performance. By optimizing the existing model structure, a more uniform distribution of water and gas in the stack is obtained, providing a reference for the further fuel cell stack design.
  • WU Hangkong, WANG Dingxi, HUANG Xiuquan
    Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. 2024, 45(1): 46-57.
    The key to performing efficient adjoint-based design optimization is accurate sensitivity information. First, based on the in-house Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) flow solver, the discrete adjoint solver is developed using the source code transformation automatic differentiation tool-Tapenade. Second, the effect of both flow and adjoint solvers’ residual convergence levels, constant eddy viscosity assumption, and four different sensitivity evaluation methods on adjoint sensitivity accuracy is mainly studied. Then, the experiences of computing efficient and accurate adjoint sensitivity information are summarized, which provide the basis for performing efficient adjoint-based design optimization. Finally, the adjoint-based turbomachinery aerodynamic design optimization of the transonic compressor rotor-NASA Rotor 67 is performed. Moreover, the commercial software-NUMECA is used to further verify the effectiveness and reliability of the optimization results.
  • LU Pei, WANG Jin, CHENG Kaihuang, LUO Xianglong, CHEN Jianyong, LIANG Yingzong, CHEN Ying
    Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. 2023, 44(11): 3084-3090.
    Carnot battery (CB) is a novel electricity storage technology which could realize electricity storage and waste heat recovery simultaneously. The thermal integrated CB (TI-CB) only utilizes the waste heat energy during the charging process in previous study. The waste heat energy utilization is insufficient. A CB with thermal integration during charging and discharging process (DTI-CB) is proposed in this paper. The waste heat energy is effectively integrated with DTI-CB in all periods through being coupled to the Organic Rankine cycle (ORC). A thermo-economic evaluation of the proposed DTI-CB is conducted. Compared with TI-CB, the power output capacity could be increased 95.67% and the Levelized cost of storage could be reduced 30.90%. The thermoeconomic performance of the proposed DTI-CB performs better than those of the single ORC and CB under the conditions with relatively higher heat utilization load. 
  • ZENG Kecheng, JIANG Peixue, XU Ruina
    Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. 2024, 45(3): 778-784.
    When the distance between solid walls is only a few nanometers, the self-diffusion coefficient of fluid is reduced by 1∼2 orders of magnitude due to the nanoconfinement effect, and the effects of pore size, temperature and pressure are significant and complex. It is of great significance to analyze the diffusion mechanism and law of nanoconfined fluid and establish a concise correlation formula. In this study, a wide range of fluid self-diffusion coefficient data in nanopores were obtained through careful calculation and analysis based on molecular dynamics simulation. The mechanism and law of the adsorption effect on fluid diffusion were analyzed, and a novel dimensionless diffusion coefficient, which can simply describe the fluid diffusion behavior, was proposed, and the corresponding correlation formula was established with Knudsen number, which has strong applicability.
  • LI Yang, WANG Nini, CHEN Zhenhua, ZHAO Guangqiang, HE Suoying, GAO Ming
    Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. 2024, 45(5): 1255-1263.
    In order to reduce the influence of alcohol-amine carbon capture system on thermal economy of coal-fired power plants, a carbon capture system was built based on rate model through ASPEN PLUS software, and built a novel carbon capture system integrating rich liquid split process, lean vapor compression process and steam superheat utilization. The results show that when the liquid-rich split ratio is 0.1 and the flash tank pressure is 0.16 MPa, the energy consumption of the novel carbon capture system is the lowest (3.09 GJ/t (CO2)), which is 20.77% lower than that of the conventional carbon capture system. Among them, the utilization of steam superheat reduces the energy consumption of the system by 11.54%. In addition, EBSILON software was used to build the sub-critical unit thermal system coupled with the carbon capture system. The results showed that when the unit load is 127.55 MW and CO2 capture capacity is 500000 tons/year, the boiler heat load of the novel carbon capture unit decreased by 1.87% and the coal consumption for power generation decreased by 7.22 g/kWh. It can be seen that the optimization measures adopted in this study can not only reduce the reboiler duty of the carbon capture system, but also greatly improve the thermal economy of the subcritical carbon capture unit.
  • LÜ Yuexuan, XIAO Kehua, RAO Yu
    Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. 2024, 45(1): 186-193.
    To meet the urgent need of efficiency improvement of micro gas turbines, a highperformance microchannel recuperator suitable for additive manufacturing processing is designed. Based on the basic theory of counter flow heat exchanger and the characteristics of metal additive manufacturing, a modular wavy plate microchannel heat exchanger is designed. The stainless-steel prototype is processed by laser selective melting technology, and tested experimentally. The heat exchanger unit contents 52 microchannels with height of 0.7 mm. The compactness of the prototype reaches more than 1700 m2/m3. The experimental results show that average Nu number increases by 88.9% compared with the traditional flat primary surface heat exchanger under the condition of relative pressure loss less than 2%, and the key performance parameters proves the advancement of this heat exchanger among the existing compact heat exchangers.
  • CHENG Tangying, LI Jinjin, MA Xiuwei, YANG Linjun
    Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. 2023, 44(12): 3480-3487.
    Fe-doped shell carbon was prepared by doping Fe-containing compounds in fruit shells. The effect of Fe-doping on the adsorption of VOCs in high humidity environment was studied. The results showed that the specific surface area, mesoporous structure, hydrophilicity and polarity of shell carbon were increased after Fe doping. At 80% relative humidity, the adsorption capacity of VOCs can maintain 70%∼90% under dry conditions. The adsorption process of VOCs was affected by π-π interaction and π-EDA interaction, and the high graphitization structure was conducive to the adsorption process of VOCs. Water vapor slowed down the mass transfer rate of VOCs during the adsorption process, and the mesoporous structure of fruit shell carbon was benefit to the mass transfer process of VOCs.
  • YU Xianjun, Yang Mingyu, AN Guangfeng, LIU Baojie
    Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. 2024, 45(3): 697-706.
    In order to explore the advantage mechanism and flow rate adjustment limit of the variable tandem stator compared with the conventional stator, the variable-angle performance of a two-stage fan under the condition of the conventional stators and the variable tandem stators is analyzed by numerical simulation. The results show that the flow angle at the exit of the stator determines the flow rate of the rotor components in next stage, the flow rate of the stator components can be increased by opening the front blades of the tandem stator, and the overall flow rate of the fan is limited by the flow rate of the stator components. For the intermediate stage, adjusting the conventional stator will cause the change of the inlet and outlet geometric angles to be unmatched. After changing to tandem stator, adjusting the appropriate front blade angle will greatly reduce the stator loss and increase the flow capacity under the same outlet geometric angle. For the exit stage, the tandem stator can adjust the front blade of the series to achieve higher flow capacity and less loss on the premise of ensuring the flow direction of the fan outlet. Compared with the conventional scheme, the efficiency of the tandem scheme is increased by 10%. 
  • JI Yang, YUAN Dazhong, ZHOU Shuiwen, ZHANG Xiaohua, ZHANG Zhuohua
    Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. 2024, 45(3): 769-777.
    In the field of active thermal utilization of nuclear energy, high temperature heat pipes (HTHPs) need to have a large length and ensure superior temperature uniformity. However, the existing research focuses on theoretical prediction of the performance and preparation of the HTHP with a relatively short length. In this paper, the HTHP with the length-diameter ratio of 67 is first prepared, the frozen start-up characteristic is theoretically analyzed, and the frozen start-up and steady heat transfer performance are experimentally studied, and a heating method that could give full play to the excellent heat transfer performance of the HTHP with a large length-diameter ratio is proposed. The HTHP with the length-diameter ratio of 200 is further prepared, and its heat transfer performance is qualitatively verified. The frozen start-up process is investigated by quantitative experiments, and the heat transfer law in the laryngeal region of the super-long HTHP is found.
  • ZHENG Jugan, ZHANG Dan, YANG Yue, YANG Qingzhong, YUAN Yang
    Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. 2024, 45(1): 20-31.
    The combination of spray flash and mixing evaporation (FME) was one of the most effective way to process wastewater with high aqueous salt concentration. In this paper, aqueous NaCl solution was selected as working fluid, a comprehensive calculation model for flow field of FME, including movement, evaporation and crystallization of droplets was set up on basis of previous experimental results. Numerical simulation was carried out with initial diameter of droplets between 20 and 200 μm, initial temperature between 100 and 120C, initial mass fraction 0.26, initial speed 20 m·s−1, and air speed of 15 m·s−1, air temperature between 100∼300C, and spray angle between 0 and 90◦ Results suggested that, during the increasing of spray angle from 0 to 90 the main location of crystallization moved from the spray axis to the top of spray plume, making crystal easier to be separated. Besides, with the increasing of spray angle, superheat or air temperature, the average mass fraction of crystallization increased, but the average particle size and crystallization distance decreased. In order to measure the effect of crystallization within a given distance, complete crystallization efficiency was defined as the ratio of the mass flow rate of crystal salt of droplets to the mass flow rate of dissolved salt at inlet. Results suggested that this efficiency could be improved by increasing spray angle or air temperature. A semi-empirical formula for complete crystallization efficiency was proposed, and the main error between its calculated value and the simulated value was in ±35%. Above conclusion could provide technical support for design and operation of industrial desalination system.
  • DONG Surong, LIU Zekun, JIAO Yufei, ZHAO Xumin, ZHOU Guangmeng, ZHANG Zhongjie, LIU Ruilin
    Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. 2024, 45(1): 286-294.
    Based on the chemical reaction mechanism of diesel fuel with PODE, the TRF-PODE chemical kinetics model was constructed and verified, the ignition and combustion characteristics of PODE/diesel fuel were studied by numerical simulation at high altitude. The results show that the addition of PODE increases the instantaneous heat release rate and decreases the corresponding time of the highest point of ignition temperature under the condition of low pressure at high altitude. The maximum ignition promotion rate occurs in the region of negative temperature coefficient (NTC), which is increased with higher PODE blending ratio. PODE increases the formation of OH· and promotes the pre-oxidation of nC7H16 in the low temperature oxidation at high altitude. As a result, the highest mole fraction of hydroxyl group in the reaction increases obviously with the decrease of pressure, which leads to the decrease of reaction rate. Under high temperature, the oxygen of PODE itself increases the formation of OH· in the reaction, leading to a reduction of the proportion of O2 participating in the formation of OH·. Therefore, more O2 could oxidize the small molecules in the reaction, promote the formation of free ions, and enhance the reaction activity, which is beneficial to improve the combustion characteristics of diesel engines at high altitude.
  • QI Qiangang, YANG Huan, WANG Naian, HUANG Diangui
    Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. 2024, 45(3): 715-724.
    In the design process of modern turbine blades, the geometric parameters along the radial distribution need to be constantly adjusted, and the design cycle is long. In order to solve this problem, this paper constructs a one-dimensional design method of three-dimensional blade: the blade flow channel is divided into several sub-flow channels along the radial direction, and each sub-flow channel is designed in one dimension to obtain its optimal speed ratio and geometric angle. Then, the one-dimensional design results of each sub-flow channel are superimposed along the radial direction to construct a three-dimensional blade. Using the boundary conditions of the last stage of an F-class gas turbine, the blade is redesigned by this method, and the parameters such as the static blade outlet pressure and the backward angle in the numerical simulation results are used as additional constraints for fine design. The results show that compared with the original design, the optimized turbine has a slight increase in the loss in some areas of the rotor, the flow rate is reduced by 0.26%, but the outlet kinetic energy loss is significantly reduced. At the same time, the wheel efficiency is increased by 1.7%, the total-to-total efficiency is increased by 0.37%, and the shaft work is increased by 1.47%.
  • WEI Tao, CHEN Xin, ZHU Shaolong, ZHI Xiaoqin, QIU Limin
    Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. 2024, 45(7): 1897-1907.
    As an important cryogenic fluid with the lowest boiling point (4.21 K), liquid helium is used in various cryogenic systems and cryogenic laboratories. The film condensation efficiency of helium is the key for the performance improvement of small-scale helium liquefaction and recondensation systems using cryocoolers, but there is a lack of targeted theoretical and experimental researches. This study established a CFD model of helium film condensation on vertical surfaces at low temperatures based on existing experimental research. The helium film condensation process on vertical surfaces under different condensing temperature differences was simulated to reveal the heat transfer and liquid film distribution characteristics. This study aims to provide theoretical guidance for the design and optimization of helium condensers in small-scale helium liquefiers.
  • XIAO Lan, ZHANG Yuqing, WU Shuangying, XU Shijie
    Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. 2024, 45(7): 1917-1923.
    A novel built-middle photovoltaic Trombe wall with vertical fins was proposed in this study. Based on the first and second laws of thermodynamics, the effects of fins spacing and height on the performance were numerically investigated, and the performance was compared with that of the built-middle photovoltaic Trombe wall without fins. The results show that the thermal efficiency can be effectively improved within a certain range of fins spacing and fin height. Decreasing the fins spacing and increasing the fins height can enhance the electrical efficiency. By introducing the overall exergy efficiency, it is found that the obtained electrical energy dominates the overall exergy efficiency compared to thermal energy. There exists the optimal fins spacing to maximize the overall exergy efficiency under higher fins, and increasing fins height can enhance the overall exergy efficiency of the system. The finned-built-middle photovoltaic Trombe wall has the overall exergy efficiency of 12.74% at 15.625 mm of fins spacing and 45 mm of fins height, which is an improvement of 11.29% compared to the system without fins, and has a great potential for application.
  • DAI Jiapeng, ZHOU Yu, LI Dong, CAO Zhanwei, LI Mingjia
    Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. 2024, 45(2): 471-477.
    Based on the technique of “solving regionally and couping at the interfaces”, this paper proposed a coupled model to numerically investigate the transient heat and speices transport during the phase change transpiring cooling process using the water as the working fluid. The results indicated that maldistribution of coolant would occur due to the unsteady and nonuniform heat flux from the supersonic mainstream, and the maldistribution of coolant would inherently exacerbate during the applications. After 30 s of the transpiration cooling, with the coolant flow being squeezed to the downstream, the peak flow rate exceeds the inlet flow rate by the factor of 9.1, and the area of low flow rate region filled by evaporated coolant occupied over 76% of all. The increase flow rate would induce a liquid film at the interface, which could reduce the thermal insulating properties, thus the surface heatflux on the porous region filled with the liquid phase coolant (about 0.15 MW·m−2) would be higher than the region filled with evaporated coolant (about 0.11 MW·m−2). However, the cooling capacity of gaseous fluid is relatively low, and the temperature of porous strucure filled by gasous coolant would rapidly increase. Therefore, regulating the inlet coolant flow would be nescessary to mitigate the effects of local coolant evaporation. 
  • ZHANG Wujie, XU Anyi, JIANG Wenbin, SUN Peijie, LI Peng, MIAO Ruijiao, HUANG Yonghua
    Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. 2024, 45(8): 2215-2222.
    The common bulkhead tank is one of the most efficient forms for cryogenic propellants, and the non-loss storage technology in the common bulkhead tank is the key issue. A cold shield model designed for the common bulkhead and zero boil-off storage is built based on the liquid oxygen/liquid methane common bulkhead and zero boil-off storage experiment system. The coefficient of temperature variation that considers the location variation characteristic and time variation characteristic of the temperature during the transient heat transfer and flow process is proposed. Compared with the nonuniformity coefficient, the coefficient of temperature variation is more suitable to evaluate the thermal uniformity of the cold shield. The results show that the cold shield with coiler performs an excellent thermal uniformity, the maximum coefficient of temperature variation of the cold shield is 3.85%.
  • YANG Lihua, WU Xiao, SHEN Jiong
    Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. 2024, 45(8): 2230-2238.
    Integrating direct air carbon capture (DAC) with renewable integrated energy systems (IES) provides an effective pathway to regional carbon neutrality. The reasonable configuration approach is a prerequisite for the stable, flexible, economic and zero-carbon operation of the overall system. Conventional configuration approaches cannot reflect the dynamic CO2 mass transfer characteristics and energy consumption differences of DAC adsorption and desorption, resulting in suboptimal or infeasible configurations. To this end, this paper constructs the configuration-oriented DAC models to reflect its dynamic operation characteristics. Based on this, a DAC-IES configuration scheme is established with the annual total costs including investment costs, operation and maintenance costs, renewable curtailment penalties, and negative-carbon environmental benefits as the objective function to obtain the optimal capacity and collaborative operation strategy of each equipment, revealing the flexible operation mechanism of DAC under the background of intermittent fluctuation energy supply. The case study validates the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed configuration method. The analysis also indicates that the flexible operation of DAC systems enables better coordination with renewable energy and more cost-effective carbon capture. 
  • YANG Bohao, JIAO Wei, BI Jingliang, WANG Lei, LU Gui
    Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. 2023, 44(12): 3341-3347.
    Compared with the linear heat conduction problem, the rapid acquisition of bubble information, the prediction of heat transfer coefficient, and the nonlinear prediction of boiling phenomenon are still very challenging. In this paper, the data-driven methods of ensemble learning, deep feedforward neural network, empirical correlation combined with random forest are used to quickly obtain bubble dynamic behavior, quickly invert the thermal coefficient of phase transformation, and predict the special phenomenon of boiling. The findings suggest that the data-driven machine learning method can quickly and accurately predict the problems in the process of phase-change heat transfer. The accuracy rate of acquiring bubble information reaches 96%, and the goodness of fit of phase transformation thermal coefficient inversion and prediction of special phenomenon is higher than 0.95. This study can provide a new solution for the inversion of phase-change heat transfer. 
  • LI Yunfeng, XIE Zhihui, CHEN Lingen, FENG Huijun
    Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. 2024, 45(7): 1908-1916.
    An integrated model of heat source and heat sink, in which circular section isothermal liquid cooling channels are embedded in a cylindrical heating body with uniform heat generation,is established. Based on the constructal theory, given the cross-sectional area of cylindrical heating body and the ratio of channel cross-sectional area as the constraints, the influence of the distribution of liquid cooling channels on the heat dissipation capacity of the integrated model is studied with the number and the radius of liquid cooling channels as design variables, and the optimal constructs with the different ratios of cross-sectional area of liquid cooling channels are obtained. When the ratio of channel cross-sectional area and the number of channels are given, there are optimal center distances, which make the overall heat dissipation performance of heat source-heat sink reach the optimal, but the optimal center distances corresponding to the two indexes are different. When the ratio of crosssectional area of channels is given, the dimensionless maximum temperature and the dimensionless entransy equivalent thermal resistance decrease with the increase of channel number. When the number of channels is given, the dimensionless maximum temperature and the dimensionless entransy equivalent thermal resistance decrease with the increase of the ratio of cross-sectional area of channels. The results obtained in this paper can provide theoretical guidelines for the thermal design of efficient cooling of cylindrical devices.
  • ZHU Xiao, SHEN Laihong
    Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. 2024, 45(1): 279-285.
    The problem of oxygen carrier (OC) sintering and agglomeration in long-term chemical looping combustion (CLC) limits its industrialization progress. In the paper, a kind of Cu-based oxygen carrier was prepared by the fluidized bed crystallization granulation method, and studied by long-term redox cyclic tests on a fluidized bed thermogravimetric analyzer (FB-TGA). The reactive activity measurement was conducted on the OC particles before and after the redox cycles. The results show that the reactivity of the OC particle remains stable after 24 h redox cycles, and there were no obvious sintering and agglomeration. The morphology characterization was carried out on the OC particles before and after the redox cycles. The BET of OC particles is up to 40 m2/g, resulting in better reaction activity. In addition, the main component in the OC particles was transformed from CuAl2O4 into Al2O3 and CuO after 24 h redox cycles. The Cu-based OC particles exhibit a smooth spherical structure after the redox cycles, and still maintain porous. The active Cu element is highly dispersed on the particle surface. 
  • JIANG Zhongming, OUYANG Yurong, HAN Kewu, TANG Dong
    Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. 2023, 44(12): 3433-3444.
    In order to accurately understand the thermodynamic characteristics of compressed air in a storage cavern of compressed air energy storage(CAES) plants during the first operation cycle, a numerical model for compressed air thermodynamics in storage cavern was eastablished by considering the feature of conjugate heat transfer between fluid and surrounding rock, and the feature of non-isothermal flow. The model was also validated by Huntorf CAES plant data. Based on the comparison analysis of the thermodynamic process of compressed air in the different shape of caverns with the same volume and of the spatial distribution charateristics of temperature, two ways for temperature control of compressed air in the cavern were proposed, and their effects were also explored by numerical method. The research results show that the average temperatures of compressed air in caverns with different profile shape are significantly different, even if the opreation pressures are the same. The cavern shapes also have a significant influence on the spatial distribution characteristics of compressed air temperature. Local high temperature phenomenon occurs in the tunnel type of cavern. For the tunnel type of cavern, the temperature control effect of the measurement such as extending the initial charging time is poor, while the way of reasonable arrangement of the air inlet and outlet positions has a good effect on temperature control.
  • MIAO Lin, LIU Ming, ZHANG Kezhen, ZHAO Yongliang, YAN Junjie
    Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. 2023, 44(11): 2999-3007.
    With the change of energy development direction in China, the development and utilization of renewable energy become more and more important. The new power system with renewable energy as the main body puts forward higher requirements for the operational flexibility of coalfired power plants. In this study, three systems of the coal-fired power plant(CFPP) integrated with molten salt thermal storage with power-to-heat heaters are proposed. To evaluate the thermodynamic performance of the integrated thermal energy storage system, simulation and thermodynamic models for a reference 600 MW CFPP were developed. The molten salt thermal storage systems(MSTES) were designed, and maximum discharging power and the discharge duration of MSTES are 329.18 MW and 1.9 h at different split ratios, respectively. Exergy analysis results show that the exergy loss of electrical heaters in the charging process takes up to 44.30% of power-to-heat-to-power cycle, which is the largest exergy loss of the integrated system. Compared with the standalone coal-fired power plant, using MSTES to replace part of the boiler heat load or extracting steam from turbines can enhance the system’s thermodynamic performance. The largest equivalent round-trip efficiency (electricity-to-electricity) of the system is 49.36%.